Friday, January 29, 2010

Mafia Wars Facebook: Get boost without installing toolbar

Edit: 2/10/2010 Please see updated post. It works a little differently for me now.

There is a 25% mini energy buff through a "utility toolbelt" that Mafia Wars gives for installing their toolbar.

If you're like me, you don't want to install another toolbar on your browser. Here are some steps to get the toolbelt without having the toolbar installed. This works as of 1/29/2010.

STEP 1 - click this link

STEP 2 - A black screen will appear. There will be a button that says CLICK HERE TO LOGIN. Do so.

STEP 3 - A pop up screen will appear (even though I have pop-up blockers, mine still popped up). Click CONNECT

You'll see a screen that says:
Either "Toolbar does not exist." or "Sorry, the toolbar you are looking for does not exist."
"Would you like to create your own toolbar?"

STEP 4 - Click this link

You should receive the following message: "Congratulations! You received a Mini Energy Buff which increased your Energy by 25%, from using the Mafia Wars Toolbar!"

Note: if you have claimed this in the last 8 hours, it will not work.

STEP 5 - Click this link to log out of the toolbar

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

You should probably give credit to the creator of this topic, from which you copied word for word, but are passing it off as your own!!! FAIL!

CasualGameGirl said...

Actually, no I didn't copy this directly. Someone told me about the the first and second link (they were not the originator of the links, either) and I wrote up the rest of the steps. But thanks for your comment, because it reminded me that this is no longer quite the case and I should update the the directions.