Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Azada Ancient Magic Walkthrough

Technically, this is not a game review, but the feedback I've received is that people would like a walkthrough. This contains spoilers, so please only read through as a last resort. Happy puzzling, everyone!

The Fairytale:
You have to rescue Rapunzel from her tower prison. There is no way to get up there from the first page. Click on Rapunzel and take the 1 blue shutter. Place it in your bag.
Page 2: Navigate through the maze to pick up wood on the right hand side and the second shutter, which is in the middle
Page 3: Open the door for the little pig’s household.
Page 4: Take the candle.
Go back to Page 3. Place the wood in the fireplace and use the candle to light the fire to smoke out the wolf. When he leaves, so will the pig. Take the key and the muffin along with the ladder.
Page 4: use both of the shutters on the ladder maker’s window. Open the window and collect the second ladder. Feed the wolf the muffin. Use the key to unlock the cupboard and get the card.
Return to Page 1. Use one ladder for the lower level, one for the second level. Rapunzel is free. Give her the card.

The Castaway:
You’re helping Robinson Crusoe.
Page 2: take the handkerchief (checked cloth on tree).
Page 3: Pick up the shovel head on the ground and the fishing pole on the LH side of the screen near the green snake.
Page 4: Take the rock on the bottom of the page and the machete leaning against the tree.
Go back to Page 2 and use the machete to chop the tree branch. Collect the tree branch. Use the hankie on the shovel head and connect to the tree branch.
Go back to page 3 and dig in the soft spot to uncover the crystal. Take the crystal.
Go back to page 1 and put the crystal in the machine. Light up all the mirrors. Use the fishing pole to get the bottle in the water, then break it with the rock. Give Robinson his card.

The Ghost:
Restore the room as it used to be. Close the door. Put pillow back on the couch. Place the books under the sofa on the middle-most shelf.
Page 2: take the blue paintbrush. Assemble the picture.
Page 3: take the egg and the statue. Open the cabinet by fitting blocks. Take the necklace and the card from the drawer that opens.
Back to page 1. Place the statue on the table, the board on the wall, the necklace on the Asian statue, and the egg on the edge of the bookshelf. Place the painting in the empty frame and the paintbrush in the holder on the middle shelf on the bottom.

The Secret Garden:
Page 1: Open the window. Pick up the clothes on the chair and put them on Colin. Notice the robin outside the window.
Page 2: pick up the watering can.
Page 3: Take the trowel in the sand, the pruning shears by the water, and the whistle off the pump handle. Fill the watering can by placing it under the pump and clicking the pump handle.
Page 2: Whistle to the robin, who will come and eat the worm. Dig with the trowel to uncover seeds and a key. Prune the ivy with the shears. Use the key to unlock the gate.
Page 4: Now uncovered after opening the gate. Use pruning shears in the overgrown garden. Take the twig from the right hand corner. Put seeds on the flower bed and water them with the full watering can. Solve the puzzle by placing the correct number of flowers around the circled number. Whistle at the robin, who will go to the tree. Give the twig to the robin, who will build a nest. An apple will appear. Take the apple.
Go back to page 1 and give Colin the apple. He will leave. Move the cover over the painting and take the card.
Go to page 4 to meet Colin in the Secret Garden. Give him the card.

The Timeline:
Page 1: take the Coat of Arms
Page 2: Solve puzzle by raising/lowering the ball. Hint: the blue star will make the ball jump from one blocked side to the next. After opening, take the wine jar from the drunk guard. Place the Coat of Arms above the gate.
Page 3: Take the head of Horus. Go back to Page 1.
Page 1: dig in the soft spot. Place the bottle of wine in the hole. Cover up the bottle.
Page 3: dig in the soft spot. Uncover the wine, which is now vinegar. Take the bottle of vinegar.
Page 2: clean the plaque using the bottle of vinegar. Place the head of Horus on his body. Use the pattern of the eyes to click on the left or right eye. Doing the correct pattern will unlock the card from the sphinx’s mouth. Give the card to the Voyager.

The Vampire:
Page 1: Take crowbar by the locked door on the right hand side of the page. Use it to remove the barricaded window on the castle on the opposite page.
Page 2: take the rag hanging from the rack, and place it on the lid. Cover the steaming pot with the lid. Take the knife from behind the steam. Unlock the poison door, and take the cloves of garlic.
Page 3: open the curtain. Turn the clock on the mantle to daylight hours. Take the garlic and give to Dracula. He will move to the light and go away. Open the journal with the knife and take the card inside. Also take the key on the table.
Page 1: use the key to open the gate and give Jonathan Harker his card.

The Treasure:
Page 2: take the Jolly Roger flag and place it on the mast. Take the two matchsticks and light them on the candle.
Go back to page 1, and get the Key from Long John Silver.
Return to page 2 and open the small box. Take the pieces of eight.
Go to page 1 and hand the bird the pieces of eight. He will fly away and gunpowder will be below. Put that and the cannonball (to the right of the cannon; a little difficult to find) in the cannon. Light the cannon with one of the matches and point at the landslide. They will be blown away.
Page 4: use the last matchstick to light the lamp in the middle of the room. Open the book, which has a map and the card. Take the shovel.
Go to Page 3, where Long John Silver is now. Give him the map, and the X will mark the spot. Dig with the shovel. Solve the puzzle and give him his card.

Headless Horseman:
Page 1: take the crowbar.
Page 2: Take the Shovel. Use the crowbar on the locked door, which will open up a pattern on the side of the mausoleum. Open up the 3 tombstones with symbols on them and press the symbols in the correct order. They will remain lit up if you are pressing them properly. If you mess up, start from the beginning. You will get a card from a skeleton.
Return to Page 1. Use the shovel to remove the moon from the tombstone.
Go to Page 3 and place the moon on the crypt. It will open. Get the skull. Tip for the moon mini-game: the moons stop growing as soon as they hit anything (a side of the box or another moon) so make the first ones as big as you can.
Go to page 1 and give the headless horseman his head and card.

The Descent:

Page 1: click book for a secret note. Use the magnifying glass on the desk to read. Earn a cryptex by matching stones as part of a mini-puzzle. Take the matchbox, fishing pole, mirror, runes book, Latin book. Open the note again and decipher it by placing the items in this order: runes – cryptex - mirror – Latin. Give the note to the professor.
Page 2: take the gunpowder, pickaxe, and rope. Use the pickaxe on the stump to get grubs.
Page 3: use the pickaxe on the strange-looking trees. Use the rope to lash them together to make a raft. Put grubs on fishing pole and capture strange fish.
Page 4: Feed fish to dinosaur. Put the gunpowder against the wall and light with the matchbox. Take a picture of the Professor to get his card.

The Dive:

Page 1: Take the cog from the shark’s mouth, swimming in the background.
Page 2: underneath, take the dry coal, the wrench (under wood). Use to open the hatch. The top part of the page will drain. Can now also pick up card after draining the hatch. Open the furnace and remove wet coat. Replace with the dry coal. Push red button and play the mini-puzzle. Pull the lever.
Page 3: Take the pearls from the oysters. Place the cog in the RH side page where it says it’s missing a part. Pick up the stone disk and go back to Nemo on Page 1.
Page 1: play the stone disk on the turntable. It will give the pattern: 3,4,1,2.
Go back to page 3. Play the pattern on the symbols (hint: they are numbered 1,2,3,4 in ascending order.) It will open up and give you a card and a medallion. The medallion is missing a pearl. Place one of your pearls inside.
Return to Nemo on page 1. Give him the medallion and the card.

The World of Oz
Page 3: Take the axe, the oil, the magnet, wood, and board.
Go to page 2 and oil the Tin man. Guide him through the maze, using the wood and board to get him over rough spots. Chop down trees in the way with the axe. He only travels in a straight line, so use the magnet to turn him. Get the card and the slippers.
Go back to page 1 and give Dorothy her slippers and the card.

The Witch:
Page 1: Take the bread paddle by the oven.
Page 2: take the burlap sack and bucket. The witch won’t let you take anything else at this time.
Page 3: Play the mini-game to trap the chicken. (hint: use your light to make it go into the center where it can’t escape).
Page 2: Give the chicken to the witch. She’ll tell you to put it in the pot. Return to Page 1 and fill the bucket with water from her well. Go back to Page 2 and put the water in the pot and stoke the fire. The kitchen will get steamy and the witch will leave. Move quickly! Get the bread from the table, click the book and take Gretel’s card, the key from the wall left of the oven, and the chicken bone from the chicken on the table. If the witch returns before you’ve gotten all four objects, go back to the well and fill with bucket with water and repeat.
Page 1: Make sure the witch isn’t outside (she will be if the kitchen is too steamy). If she is outside, flip to page 2 and then back to page 1. Give Hansel the chicken bone. Fill the bucket with water again. Return to page 2 and steam the kitchen. The witch will go outside.
Return to page 1. The witch will check Hansel’s finger and think he’s still too skinny. Put the bread on the bread paddle and into the oven. When the witch goes to check on it, hit her with the bread paddle and she’ll be stuck inside. Pick up the breadcrumbs on the ground and use the key to free Hansel.
Go to Page 3, and use the bread crumbs to call the swan. Give Gretel her card.

The Detective:
Page 2: Open the right desk drawer; take the pen. Click on the safety-deposit box and get fingerprints.
Page 3: Collect a footprint from the floor. Get the ice pick by the sink. Take the footprint from your inventory and compare it to the engineer’s boot. He’ll turn around. Use your fingerprint from your inventory to compare to his hand. He’ll leave. Take the wrench from the tool box.
Return to page 1 and give Sherlock the footprint and fingerprint samples.
Go to page 4 and take the mail container on the right of the desk. Click on the paper below the headphones to play a mini puzzle. It’s a cryptogram and the solution is “Package on ice retrieve at port”. Look on the left hand side of the desk at the requisition paper to see who requested ice. Use the pen to check the requisition by ice. Put the requisition form inside the mail container. Use the wrench to remove a part of the pipe next to the mail slot.
Page 2: use the pipe piece to repair the broken mail system. Put the mail container inside the mail slot. Click the lever and send the container.
Page 3: the necklace is encased in ice in the kitchen. Use the ice pick to free the necklace. Take the necklace back to Sherlock.
Page 1:Give Sherlock the necklace. He’ll give you a key.
Return to Page 2: open the corresponding safety deposit box (#13) with the key to get the card.
Return to Page 1 and give Sherlock his card.

The Gold Rush:
Page 4: wait for the miner to put down his pickaxe. Move fast and grab it!
Page 2: use the pickaxe to break into the box on the wall and get the keys. Open the cell door with the keys. Pick up the dynamite.
Go to page 3 (the bank) and use the dynamite on the safe. Take the key and card. Use the key to open the drawer. Get the deed from the drawer.
Go to page 4 and give the miner his deed. He will give you 1 gold nugget. You have to play a mini-puzzle to get the second piece.
Return to page 1 and give Buffalo Bill the gold pieces and his card.

The Traveler:
Page 2: Unplug the fan. Get the code from the fan. It will not go into your inventory, so write the code down. (85709). Click the cube and play the mini-game. Take the card.
Return to Page 1 and use the code to open the time machine. Clicking on the machine shows you need a handle and a power source.
Page 3: Take the sphere. Unlock the drawer by making the rows/columns match the side tallies. Take the handle and sphere to Page 1.
Page 1: Attach the handle and sphere to the time machine. Give the Traveler his card.

The Strange Case:
This involves Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Each of the pages has two sheets: one that is active when Dr. Jekyll is around and one when Mr. Hyde is around.
Page 1: Dr. Jekyll needs snapdragon, salt, and phosphorous to make a potion. Locate the switch potion on his desk and take it into inventory. Give this to Dr. Jekyll to make Mr. Hyde appear.
Go to Page 2: (this is a small office) Take the crowbar and open the wooden crate with the crowbar. Take the phosphorous.
Go to Page 3: (hotel reception) Take the pen from the desk.
Go back to Page 1. Give Hyde the switch potion. He returns to Dr. Jekyll. Take the paper on the desk and trace his name.
Go to Page 2: (pharmacy). Give the pharmacist the paper. He will give you snapdragon.
Go to Page 3: (hotel room) Click on the nightstand and use the pen check the box for dinner.
Go back to Page 1. Give the switch potion to Dr. Jekyll.
Go back to Page 3: (hotel reception) Give the clerk the dinner order.
Go back to Page 1. Give the switch potion to Mr. Hyde.
Go back to Page 3: (hotel room). Take the salt off the dinner tray. Click the nightstand and use the pen to place a laundry order.
Go back to Page 1: Give the switch potion to Dr. Jekyll.
Go to Page 3: (hotel reception). Give the laundry order to the clerk.
Go back to Page 1: Give the switch potion to Mr. Hyde. You can place all 3 ingredients into the test tubes and play the mini-puzzle. Get the reflux potion.
Go to Page 3: (hotel room) Take the key out of the pocket from the laundry.
Go back to Page 1. Give Dr. Jekyll the switch potion.
Go to page 3 (small office) Use the key to open the drawer and remove the card.
Page 1: Give Mr. Hyde the switch potion. Give Dr. Jekyll the reflux potion and his card.

The Voyage:
Page 1: take the 3 weights off the balloon, and the bell off the ground.
Page 3: Attach the bell to the top right of the door. Ring the door bell. The valet will stick his head outside. Quickly go back to Page 2, inside the club room.
Page 2: play the mini puzzle to pop balloons. Hint: the balloon with the 3 | | | will shoot 3 balls – use it to point to the balloons below. Earn two coins from winning that. The valet will be back. Go back to Page 3.
Page 3: talk to Newsboy. Buy both of his papers with your two coins. Get the papers and a card. Ring the bell again.
Page 2: Get the watch off the shelf and light the newspaper on fire in the fireplace (if the valet comes back, just keep going back to Page 3 and ring the doorbell until you’re finished)
Page 1: Talk to Phileaus Fogg. He’ll ask you to light the balloon. Do that with the flaming newspaper. Give Phileaus the watch and the card.

Invisible man:
Page 1: Read journal for ingredients. Need original potion, crow feather, boiled egg, pinch of salt, and tree bark. Take the bread off the table.
Page 3: Knock on the door. When the proprietor comes to the door, go back to Page 2.
Page 2: take the meat grinder, the boiled egg, pinch of salt, and the card. If he comes back before you can grab all these things, keep going back to Page 3 and knocking on the door.
Page 3: use the meat grinder on the bread to get breadcrumbs. Place the crumbs in the bird feeder. A crow will drop a feather. Pick up the feather.
Page 4: (lab) Pick up knife. Play the mini-puzzle to get the original potion.
Return to Page 1 and add all ingredients to the option. Give to card and potion to the invisible man.

The Baron:
Page 2: Do the cog puzzle, and take the hearing aid from Selenite.
Page 3: Take the mirror frame on the ground.
Page 1: click the chest behind the Baron. Put the hearing aid in the hole. Turn the dials until you see a “click”. Take the portrait and place it in the mirror frame.
Page 3: Trade out the mirror fro the portrait frame. While the Vulcan is looking at the portrait, take the card from his hand.
Page 1: Put the mirror in the hole in the barrel in the water. Click the mirror until it is reflecting light.
Page 2: Use the device by pushing the red button. It will fire 3 bursts of lasers.
Page 1: Return to the Baron. Give him the card.

The Legend:
Page 1: Read the book. You need a sprig of rue, magical water, and a moon beam for the potion. Collect the firewood, prism, and vial.
Page 2: fill the vial with water from the magical lake.
Page 3: Take the dagger off the table. Place the prism on the ritual table.
Page 2: Use the dagger to cut off the rue branch.
Page 1: use the firewood to stoke the fire under the cauldron. Add the rue and the water. Take the deliverance potion
Page 3: give the potion to Merlin. He’ll vanish.
Page 2: Go back to the lake area. Merlin needs his staff.
Return to Page 3: pick up Merlin’s staff by the tree where Merlin was detained.
Page 2: Take Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake when Merlin calls her forth. Give Excalibur to Arthur. Give Arthur his card.

The Creature (bonus book)

Unlock The Creature by going to the portrait of Titus and entering the code “Magic Book”.
Page 2: Collect all the body parts. Solve the mini-puzzle to open the machine and get the card. Collect the lightning rod and the extension cord. Place the lightning rod on the tower on the opposite page.
Page 1: Attach the body parts similar to a jigsaw puzzle. Open the window. Connect the extension cord from the one outside to the one hanging from the ceiling.
Return to Page 2. Watch the lightning strike
Go to Page 1. Give Dr. Frankenstein his card.

The Genie (Last book):
Go to Page 4. Take the oily rag. Play the mini-game and light the fuses to make the freezer work.
Go to Page 3. Get the hammer off the floor and the wrench next to the stairs. Light the rag on fire from the furnace.
Page 1: Put the burning rag on the Genie. Take the compass on the right. Take the box in the stairway. Open the vase and get one part of a card. Keep using the burning rag to subdue the Genie as often as needed.
Page 2: Use the compass in the circle. Direct the ball through the labyrinth with your mouse (hint: use the compass for directions!). You’ll get the second card piece for this.
Page 4: Open the freezer door. Put the box inside the freezer. Use the hammer to break the frozen lock. Open the box – collect the third card. They will fuse together.
Page 1: Give the card to the Genie and he will be banished….or will he?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I miss the last clue. You get a message from the guy CELLAR DOOR, which you have to fill in in his portret. But there are no letters for cellar door, so it must be an exquivalent I guess, but what ??

Nami said...

arinka...same problem here lol
Could someone give us a tip?

Nami said...

Found!! the code is the one Titus gave you in the final of last game.

Anonymous said...

anyone ever figure out if there is a reason for the big fish over the computer after the game is done?

CasualGameGirl said...

Big Fish Games are the people who created and published Azada - it's just their logo. You should be able to left mouse click, or hit the escape key to clear it (and it should take you back to the main menu). Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Cellar Door is the code name used in the next version of Azada, which is Azada Adventures. It is used in the same way as 'Magic Book', which was given in Azada 1 and used in Ancient Magic. I wait with much anticipation for Azada Adventures. Anyone hear anything?